Sunday 8 May 2011

So across the country 70% of people want to retain the old voting system. I can see the reasoning behind that; it is after all what we are all used to, its simple and apparently fair. I was in fact going to vote 'No' last Thursday for that very reason but then I thought of what choice we really have. In any constituency it's accepted that its a two horse race. This is of course entirely of our own making. Voting isn't what it idealistically should be (ie people voting for what they really want) but a case of tactics. While there may be a sizeable majority who genuinely want one of the main parties in power, there is bound to be a sizeable minority who just settle for the lesser of two evils. The ironic thing is that everyone does this because they know that's what everyone else is going to do. I don't believe for one moment that many people put much thought into their vote anyway. How many people just vote for what their parents voted for, or follow some misinformed 'gut instinct.'
At least with the AV system people might put some thought into their second and third choices which may result in a more balanced House of Commons that's a more accurate reflection of society. It may mean extremist parties like the BNP would get more of a stronghold. I wouldn't want that, but that's democracy for you; you can't rig the process. Besides which, I don't believe they're ever going to get a serious amount of power. I like to give people a bit more credit than that. That's why I voted 'Yes' in the end, but obviously I was in the minority so it seems we're stuck with the two horse race for a while longer - but if that's what people want.

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